Key Benefits
Affordable housing policy and program advocacy in the California
Legislature and Congress, as well as with Federal, State, and local
housing agencies and other governmental bodies -
'Action Alert Network' with updates on Federal and State affordable housing programs and mobilization of local communities and individuals. We build broad-based coalitions with racial equity organizations, environmentalists, growers, local governments, labor, and other constituencies
Training and informational forums, including affordable housing
program design and implementation, grant-writing, smart growth
and energy-efficiency, and inclusionary housing programs -
Technical assistance to nonprofit affordable housing organizations,
rural local planning and housing officials, and grassroots community groups -
Projects to promote leadership development, asset-building, elder
financial security, housing preservation, disaster recovery, and
sustainable rural communities -
Access to our extensive research on rural housing data and critical
public policy information -
...and more.
For complete list of membership benefits, click here.